making your EU funding project 

about us



cef|consulting is a specialised consultancy offering a variety of tailored services to make your EU funding project a success. We guide you through the whole life cycle of your project – from project appraisal, through the funding application and the contract negotiation with the European Commission, the technical and financial reporting, all the way to the final payment.


With over 10 years of experience with EU subsidies, we have become very effective at maximising the success of funding applications and guaranteeing a smooth administration throughout the implementation of your project. We have specialised in the Connecting Europe Facility funding programme, which is, with a budget of €30 billion (2014-20), the largest funding programme managed by the European Commission. Our in-depth knowledge of the rules and procedures, as well as our solid network within the EU institutions are a key asset to deliver our high quality services.

our services


EU funding procurement



  • Funding strategies & monitoring of Call
  • Development of projects & consortia
  • Preparation of funding applications
  • Monitoring evaluations & strategic communication
  • Negotiation of the Grant Agreement

EU funding administration



  • Support to the project management team
  • Communication with INEA and the national ministries
  • Preparation of the technical & financial reporting
  • Coordination of the requests for payment
  • Monitoring of audit procedures and evaluations
  • Requests for amendments

PR & interest representation



  • Development of communication strategies & campaigns
  • Strategic communication with EU & national stakeholders
  • Development of communication materials (i.e. online or print publications)
  • Support of communication activities at press or industry events

Key achievements


years of experience
Successful funding applications
million € in funding
% success rate

Connecting Europe Facility


  • Transport
  • Energy
  • Telekom
billion € for 2014-2020
CEF Transport



The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) for Transport is the funding instrument to realise European transport infrastructure investments. Its total budget is over €24 billion for the the period 2014-2020.


CEF Transport focuses on cross-border projects and projects aiming at removing bottlenecks or bridging missing links in various sections of the TEN-T Core Network and on the Comprehensive Network (link), as well as for horizontal priorities such as traffic management systems.


CEF Transport also supports innovation in the transport system in order to improve the use of infrastructure, reduce the environmental impact of transport (i.e. alternative fuels), enhance energy efficiency and increase safety.

CEF Energy



The CEF Energy programme supports the implementation of PCIs (Projects of Common Interest) in eight priority corridors (four in each of the electricity and gas sectors) and in two thematic areas (smart grids and cross-border CO2 network). These priority corridors and thematic areas are defined in the Trans-European Networks for Energy (TEN-E) strategy to address the energy infrastructure needs at regional and European level.


the CEF Energy programme pursues the following main objectives:

  • increasing EU competitiveness by promoting further integration of the internal energy market and interoperability of electricity and gas networks across borders
  • enhancing the Union’s security of energy supply
  • integrating energy from renewable sources into the transmission network
  • developing smart energy networks and CO2 transportation networks


The total grant budget to support energy infrastructure projects for the 2014-2020 period under the CEF Energy programme is €4.8 billion.

CEF Telecom



The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) in Telecom is a key EU instrument to facilitate cross-border interaction between public administrations, businesses and citizens, by deploying digital service infrastructures (DSIs) and broadband networks. Supported projects will contribute to the creation of a European ecosystem of interoperable and interconnected digital services that sustain the Digital Single Market.

A €1.05 billion budget is earmarked for trans-European networks in the telecommunications sector for 2014-2020.



EU funding procurement



  • Funding strategies & monitoring of Call
  • Development of projects & consortia
  • Preparation of funding applications
  • Monitoring evaluations & strategic communication
  • Negotiation of the Grant Agreement

EU funding administration



  • Support to the project management team
  • Communication with INEA and the national ministries
  • Preparation of the technical & financial reporting
  • Coordination of the requests for payment
  • Monitoring of audit procedures and evaluations
  • Requests for amendments

PR & interest representation



  • Development of communication strategies & campaigns
  • Strategic communication with EU & national stakeholders
  • Development of communication materials (i.e. online or print publications)
  • Support of communication activities at press or industry events

Who we are



We are a highly specialised consultancy offering a variety of tailored services to support your EU funding project. We support you throughout the whole lifecycle of your project – from project appraisal, to the funding application, the negotiation with the European commission, the technical and financial reporting all the way to the final payment.


With over 10 years of experience with EU funding projects, we have established a highly effective methodology to maximise the success of your funding applications. This is backed by a strong track record and a success rate of 100% over the past years.

Key achievements


Successful funding applications
million € in funding
% success rate